Lauren Simone Blogs — diverse authors
Double feature for author and publisher at Lauren Simone Pubs
amazon authors black owned business book book club Book signing children events children's books communication devices Communications connecticut connecticut authors connecticut publishers ct authors disco balls of the universe diverse authors diverse book authors diverse book characters diverse children books diverse illustrators diverse kid lit five star imani ariana kid authors Lauren Simone Publishing House local author LOL Book Club new books Olivia Connects Olivia Lauren olivia lauren series olivia travels representation matters saturday events youth authors youth illustrators

We are so excited to share that January ended with double features of our publisher and one of our authors. Co-Founder and publisher at Lauren Simone Publishing House, Melissa-Sue John, was interviewed by award-winning author, novelist, poet, and non-fiction writer, Jean Moore. Learn more as she shares how the company started and how her vision was realized in Finding Your Invincible Summer. Meanwhile, author, Yvette Phillips can be seen on News12 featured for reading to students about Lunar New Year. Democracy Prep High School and Bronx Charter School for Better Learning are the only two schools in New York City that teach Korean...
We are STARS!!
children's books communication devices disability and communication diverse authors diverse book characters diverse illustrators diverse kid lit five star representation matters store news youth authors youth illustrators