Girl Trips, Detours, and a Family Cruise Adventure through Storms and Sunshine

After an exciting weekend in New York City exploring Summit One Vanderbilt,

visiting the hottest rooftop bars and speakeasy clubs, and dining at ethnic or thematic restaurants,

indulging in fine dining with the girls, celebrating my sister-in-law's birthday and  friendship, wine tasting in The Hamptons,

checking out breathtaking bridge views, and dodging pouring rains which prevented our walk across the Brooklyn Bridge, I returned home in time for our annual family vacation.

It was time to embark on my family’s annual cruise. However, our plans took an unexpected turn on Saturday when we received news of Hurricane Debby brewing off the coast of Florida, expected to last until Monday.

Day 1: Monday

Despite the storm, our cruise ship was still scheduled to sail, so we packed our bags and headed to the airport, hoping for the best.

At Dunkin’ that morning, we met Natalie and Sharon, two fellow travelers on the same flight headed to the same cruise. As we waited at the gate, our optimism quickly faded when we received notifications that all flights to Florida were canceled for two days. Desperate, we searched for alternative routes, considering flights from Worcester, Boston, New York, Newark, and Philadelphia. Unfortunately, the available flights were not only fully booked but also priced at over $1,000 per person and were not nonstop. We couldn't take the risk. Also the cruise ship only reimburses up to $200 per person for flight reschedule. 

Disappointed but determined, we left the airport and awaited further updates from the cruise line. By 11 AM, we were informed that the cruise was still on, but we were advised not to head to the terminal just yet. At 2 PM, the cruise line finally announced that the ship would depart the next day but with one less stop on its itinerary. After much discussion, we decided our only option was to drive, fully aware that the hurricane was now headed toward the Carolinas.

Matthew, Olivia, and I went to the airport to pick up the rental car from Budget. However, what was supposed to be a simple process turned into a frustrating experience with unprofessional service. First the agent disappeared from the counter, returning with M&Ms and sharing among her team mates. They ate candy while talking to their customers. Then our customer rep told us the luxury car we booked wasn't available and asked us to upgrade. I politely declined leaving us with a 7-seater Ford Explorer that apparently needed an oil change as indicated by the car once we drove off.

Undeterred, we transferred our luggage to the car and headed home, where Natalie and Sharon joined us. With our luggage packed, at 3:30 PM, we embarked on a 20-hour road trip to Tampa, Florida. The journey was long but manageable. Olivia took shotgun and was the DJ playing old school reggae, new soca, and other genres. Matthew took the first shift, driving from Connecticut to New Jersey. We made a quick stop at 7:33 PM for food, gas, and a bathroom break before he continued driving through Maryland. After another break at 1:42 AM, I took over the wheel and drove to Virginia. From there, Sharon drove, followed by Natalie, who drove us to Walterboro, South Carolina where we stopped for gas and bathroom break at 6:37am.

I took over again in South Carolina navigating through heavy rain and flooding until we reached Georgia.

Matthew took the wheel again at 8:52am at Brunswick, GA, driving us to Jacksonville, Florida,

and finally, Sharon drove the last stretch to Tampa. We arrived at 1:30 PM, exhausted but relieved. We headed straight to the cruise terminal, where we waited for Alyssa to join us.

After checking in our luggage, Sharon, Alyssa, and Olivia waited at the terminal while Matthew, Natalie and I made a penultimate stop at the Mobil Gas station at 2:15 PM, and finally returned the rental car to the airport.

We took an Uber back to the terminal and were among the last families to go through customs and board the ship around 3:30 PM. After going through the mandatory muster station safety drill, we finally settled into our rooms, only to find that Olivia’s luggage was the only one that had arrived. This is a reminder to always keep at least one change of clothes in your carry-on. We freshened up and grabbed some burgers before heading back to our room, where we saw our luggage had arrived. Matthew and I were knocked out by 7 PM. Meanwhile, the girls enjoyed a trivia game on deck before calling it a night.

Day 2: Fun at Sea

We woke up around 7 AM, feeling refreshed from a good night’s sleep. After showering, we headed to breakfast early to avoid the crowds. Our meal consisted of eggs, bacon, fruit, and for me, a turmeric, pineapple, and ginger drink. The morning was filled with fun activities—ping pong, mini-golf, and trivia.

We then relaxed on the deck, enjoying the sunshine until the sky suddenly turned gray. Without warning, the heavens opened up, sending people scrambling for cover. Matthew and I, already seated under shelter, watched the scene unfold with amusement. Within minutes, the rain stopped, the sun reappeared, and the wind dried everything.

For lunch, the girls opted for chicken and potatoes, Matthew enjoyed a burger, and I indulged in tacos. Afterward, we went onboard shopping. We also attended a Pandora store raffle, participated in a Bacardi rum tasting—where the pineapple flavor was a hit—and ended the day with a comedy show at the Punchliner Comedy Club featuring Paul Hooper.

Dinner was a delightful affair with herb-roasted salmon, fettuccine, eggplant lasagna, salad, and chocolate fudge cake to satisfy our sweet cravings. 

Day 3: Cozumel

We prepared our outfits the night before and packed our bags for the day ahead. By 6:30 a.m., we were at breakfast, ensuring we beat the crowds. Afterward, we took some beautiful sunrise photos before disembarking to explore Cozumel.


Our first stop was a beachfront restaurant, where we enjoyed appetizers while soaking up the sea and sun. The water current was strong and the ground rocky, but the water was crystal clear and we saw fish of all shapes, colors, and sizes. 

We later indulged in a tequila tasting, where we tried a lovely tequila by itself and then in other flavors including chocolate, coffee, coconut, pomegranate, and strawberry. I thought the strawberry tasted like cough syrup but I loved the others especially the coffee and the coconut.

We were advised to take a deep breath, swallow slow and then exhale. In other words, the way Americans do shots is not the way to drink tequila. 

Before leaving the beach, we took pictures with Guapo the bird, 

bought some souvenir from a vendor by the beach,

and took a taxi back toward the terminal.  We were heckled by the locals to purchase their crafts. One person said to me, "Let me rip you off". Another said, "I am a nice Mexican." The first guy was selling t-shirts for $15, the next guy for $25 and finally we say 4 for $40. 

As we were heading back to the terminal, the skies opened up again, prompting us to quickly board the ship.

After a refreshing shower, we grabbed lunch and watched Ghostbusters movie in the Queen Mary Lounge. Post-movie, we took a well-deserved nap, waking up rejuvenated. We treated ourselves to ice-cream cones and participated in “Guess That Groove,” a music trivia game. Matthew was chosen as a contestant, and his team named TEAM JESUS won, earning medals as a reward! The funny thing is there was an contestant on the other team in a Jesus t-shirt so their team was Team Jesús!

Afterward, we celebrated with drinks alongside our new friends.

Day 4: Belize

We woke up early, showered, and dressed before heading to the lounge to board the water shuttles. I was sporting a cute two-piece swimsuit, but sensing rain, I wisely donned a blue poncho. My instincts were right—onboard, the rain poured down, but I was still dry because I was prepared!

Our first adventure was a bus tour through Belize. We learned about the country's fascinating history—gaining independence from England in September 1981 when it was still known as British Honduras. Belize, a developing country, is known for its lush marshlands, rich wildlife including jaguars and howler monkeys, and its national symbols—the toucan bird, tapir, mahogany tree, and black orchid.

After an hour, we arrived at the jungle. We crossed a suspension bridge, hiked up the mountain, explored the caves,

and finally floated downriver in tubes. It was an exhilarating experience.

Afterward, we changed into dry clothes and enjoyed a traditional Belizean meal of brown stew chicken, rice, peas, and coleslaw under a thatched-roof restaurant.

Our return to the terminal was bittersweet, as most shops had closed, leaving me without my coveted magnet, and the disappointment of not getting our passports stamped lingered. The only thing we got from Belize were mosquito bites. 

Day 5: At Sea

We allowed ourselves the luxury of sleeping in, waking up to the gentle rocking of the ship. The skies were blue and clear as we headed for breakfast. We spent the morning in the Serenity section, soaking in the hot tub and napping in the ocean breeze. After lunch, we enjoyed a round of mini-golf where I claimed overall victory, and Alyssa took first place for a hole-in-one. Our day ended with another hilarious comedy show featuring Chaz Elstner before we reluctantly headed to our room to start packing for the journey home.

Day 6: Tampa

The next morning, we were up early, had breakfast, and were out of our staterooms by 8:30 a.m., waiting for the signal to disembark the cruise ship. After leaving the cruise terminal, we took an Uber to our hotel and checked in.

Once we settled in and did some laundry, we headed out to explore the city. Our first stop was Predalina, a lovely Mediterranean-themed restaurant with elegant cream and white decor.

The rain began just as we exited our uber so we ran in. Once seated and viewing the brunch menu,

Matthew and I ordered a lamb pita with fries and the girls ordered chicken sandwiches. We enjoyed our lunch!

Afterward, we strolled along the Tampa Riverwalk, taking in the sights of the children's museum and various street art displays.

We then took an Uber to Westshore Mall,

where we watched Deadpool and Wolverine. Personally, despite great reviews, I didn't enjoy the film very much. I love both Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds, but the content was both silly and crude. The soundtrack was good. I am so over the multiverse anyway. I wonder how Stan Lee would feel about it. 


By the time the movie ended, the mall was closed, so we returned to the hotel to relax for the evening.

Day 7: Home bound

We woke up 4 am to catch the 5 am shuttle. We checked out of the hotel and waited for the shuttle to arrive. It came with just enough seats. We checked in our luggage at Southwest and then headed through TSA and found our gates. I love that Southwest doesn't assign seats or charge to check on or carry on bags. 


Our flights were on time, we sat together and I had a window seat and thought I captured a cool pic of the plane's shadow before landing in Hartford. 

Thanks for reading! I hope this blog encourages you to take our own adventures and make memories with your families. And don't forget to support our business with a purchase of Olivia Lauren's Olivia Travels. Give the gift of reading to a 3-8 year old child. If you already own a copy, please don't forget to leave a thoughtful review!



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  • Cheryl G. on

    How do you have the energy to write such a detailed blog? I felt like I was right there with you guys. And just so we’re clear…team Jesus wins everytime.

  • Kanece on

    This was a great read! Definitely an adventure filled with unforgettable memories. Cruising is my favorite way to vacation! Thanks for sharing.

  • Annette Jackson on

    This was great glad you had a great time despite the weather .

  • Natalie Clarke on

    Wow this was great, I’m truly bless to meet you and your family. I’m honor to be apart of your adventure. I look forward to taking more with you and your family. Olivia was amazing DJ for our long ride. Thank you to the John family for trusting me on your journey.

  • Roz White on

    I’m tired but you definitely make me want to be an adventurous traveler

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