Lauren Simone Blogs — grand opening
That Book Store, newest bookstore around town, has Lauren Simone Pubs Books!
connecticut authors connecticut bookstore connecticut publishers ct authors diverse book authors grand opening new books that book store wethersfield ct

On April 27, 2018, Olivia Lauren and I, Melissa-Sue John met this awesome mother daughter duo at Pitkin Elementary’s Vendor Fair, where the mission of the school was to fundraise for an accessible playground. Karen Opper and her 19-year-old daughter, Belle Opper were getting ready to open a bookstore and informed us they would be delighted to carry our books. Their dream fully materialized on July 15th when they opened their brick and mortar store located at 446 Silas Deane Highway in Wethersfield, CT. We are so happy for them. All of this is #motherdaughterbosses #womenpreneurs #womenempowerment has us feeling...