Publish Your Own Diverse Children's Book

Let us turn your story into a published work of art. We focus on diverse and inclusive children's stories, but we also help authors with editing, storyboarding, illustration, printing, distribution, and branding in any genre!

CONTACT US for a free consultation.

Click on GET PUBLISHED to learn more about our process.

Lauren Simone Publishing House is a black-owned, family-owned, publishing business.

Our goals are: 1. To connect diverse authors and illustrators to create multicultural, diverse, and inclusive children's books for all to enjoy.  2. To provide awareness and access to diverse books and accessories. 3. To collaborate with book clubs, schools, libraries, art galleries, museums, and science centers to host fun and educational activities, events, and programs. Check out our book collections, learn more about our services and get to know our authors, illustrators, advisory board, and partners. Get to know us

LISTEN to testimonials below:

AUTHOR TESTIMONIAL: Ryan Parker, author of Happyvism

AUTHOR TESTIMONIAL: Yvette Phillips, author of The Tale of Princess Alicia

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